
MuseumFutures Africa is a people-centered cultural project focussed on museums. It began with a focus on Africa, and expanded its reach to museums across the Global South, with the intention to test, explore and study potentials for new formats of Southern museology.

Study Groups
Arna Jharna Thar Desert Museum
The Conflictorium
Mutare Museum
MajiMaji Museum
Acervo de Laje
Museu Mafalala
Exchanges 2023
Musée National de Guinée
National Museums of Kenya
Steve Biko Centre
Uganda Museum
Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art
Musée Théodore Monod
Exchanges 2021-2
Southern Museology
Towards a depiction of ... the experimental / colonial museum
MFA publication 2022
Curriculum 2023
Curriculum 2021
Notes toward a proposal

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MuseumFutures is supported by the     Goethe-Institut

Study Groups

Museum Futures Southern Museology’s aimed to nurture an imaginative collective process driven by 6 different museums in Africa, India and Brazil. Scroll down or use the menu for an overview of each museum, some of their core institutional concerns, their study groups, and a custom illustration by Kampala-based artist Charity Atukunda.

Steve Biko Centre

Illustration by Charity Atukunda, 2023.
Steve Biko Centre, King Williams Town, South Africa, The Steve Biko Center is dedicated to the life of the activist and intellectual Steve Biko who founded the Black Consciousness movement.
Steve Biko Centre is embarking on a travelling project called ‘Museum Transformations: Integrating Other Histories’ in which the group creates a short documentary based on visits to various local museums. The documentary will showcase the interviews with the various museums and the group’s journey towards discovering how ‘other’ histories have been included in institutions.
Study group members
Bruce Waters Director, Thulani Nongogo Performing Arts Educator & Training Officer of Abelusi, Lolonga Tali is the Museum Human Scientist at the Amathole Museum, Luyanda ka Msumza, Ginsberg Community Historian, Catherine Stratford Archivist and Assistant Museum Curator at the Steve Biko Centre